Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To Microwave or Not to Microwave???

To Microwave or Not to Microwave???

Q. Does microwaving really zap all the vitamins and minerals from vegetables? If so, what's the best way to cook them?

A. The jury's still out on this one. Although some studies suggest the microwave is to blame for sucking nutrients out of your food, others point a finger at the water in which they are cooked. For most fruits and vegetables, any type of cooking lowers the nutrient content. So for now, a good rule of thumb is: less is more.
Leave skins on whenever possible. Many fruits and vegetables hold most of their antioxidants in their skins. Simply wash well before cooking/eating.
Lightly steam vegetables instead of boiling, sautéing, or roasting. Better yet, go raw with a fresh salad.

If you prefer to blanch your veggies, dip them into boiling water for the least amount of time possible. The exception is the red tomato. Cooking actually increases its level of lycopene -- an antioxidant thought to help prevent certain types of cancer, heart disease, and vision loss.

Quick Tip: Drizzle your vegetables with a bit of olive oil to help your body better absorb the vitamins and minerals.

Ref :

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Unknown said...

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